
A 55-year-old male presented with history of nausea, vomiting, palpitation paresthesis and profuse sweating in emergency department 2h after ingestion of “Bachnaag” (Aconite) root. Examination revealed shock with irregular pulses. Initial ECG showed frequent multifocal ventricular ectopics (VE), which later turned to short runs of ventricular tachycardia (VT). Immediate gastric lavage was done and activated charcoal given. Patient was treated with fluid resuscitation without any improvement in blood pressure. Patient was started on nor-adrenaline infusion with gradual recovery from hypotension over a period of 6h, but support was continued for 48h. Amiodarone was started to control ventricular excitability, which persisted over 72h with gradual decrease in frequency of VT and VE. Patient was discharged with normal sinus rhythm on oral amiodarone on 5th day of hospitalization. On follow-up after 2 weeks patient was totally asymptomatic and amiodarone was stopped.

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