
For thelastseveralyears,diabeteshasbeenone of the majorconcernsworldwide. Diabetesoccursasa resultof increasedbloodglucose levels.Long-term diabetescanleadtomanydiseases like heart diseases, stroke, nerve problems etc.Thediabetic patientsneed to measuretheir bloodglucose levelsregularly.Ingeneral, the glucose monitoringistypically performed by piercing the skinseveraltimesa day, known as invasive technique, whichismore disruptiveandpainful. Thehealthy alternativeto thistechniqueisaminimally invasivetechniquewhichisless disruptive but required special training to use it.Non-invasive technique does not require pricking of any body parts and hence, it is very easy to use. The various non-invasive techniques includeelectrochemical, optical, and photoacoustic methods which are used for glucose detection.With the advancement in material science and MEMS technology, wearable,non-invasive glucosesensingtechniquesaremore popularinrecentyears. Thisreviewdiscussesvarious investigationsofrecentadvancementsinwearable, non-invasive glucose monitoring techniques,its research challengesandopportunities.

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