
Objective: Perform an ethnography, palliative unit, to study the interactions of the actors, in particular that of doctors with patients, who are living this particular situation of transit to death; and the opinion of those on palliative care. Methodology: The paradigm that we ascribe is the qualitative, ontologically constructivist and epistemologically, from the point of view of the sociologies of life, still our method of Ethnography. Results: From the speech, mostly from interviews with doctors have been collected verbatim. Conclusions: Among other things, on the stage, a microspace within the Hospitalito, called care media unit, represents going back at other times the dichotomy thesis / antithesis, the thesis that it was a unit that it had formally inaugurated as a palliative unit, we assume that with a propaganda purpose, but the antithesis was the reality, and this was without a doubt that he was still a unit of care means.


  • who are living this particular situation of transit to death

  • it had formally inaugurated as a palliative unit

  • this was without a doubt

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INTRODUCCIÓN Nuestro objetivo es realizar un estudio etnográfico de las interacciones entre los médicos y los enfermos paliativos ingresados en la Unidad de Cuidados Paliativos, y las diferentes formas de tratar a familiares o acompañantes de los mismos, utilizando para todo ello las entrevistas y la observación participante.

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