
The need to make visible students with outstanding aptitudes and, above all, identify a path by which the different educational figures guide this process, is the main objective of this work aimed at establishing the characterization of the role of these important actors in education, in relation to the help that students need in this representation of human diversity in schools. For this reason, the research was carried out in pedagogical articles and books that would allow us to understand some characteristic features of the educational figures that would make possible the inclusion of students with outstanding aptitudes in the classroom, in an inclusive learning environment in which students with disabilities or diverse educational needs participate in classes along with the rest of their classmates without the presence of barriers associated with learning or participation. This approach promotes the inclusion of all students in a diverse learning environment. Therefore, it is important to recognize that currently, the role of both the teacher and the director have changed to respond to the demands not only of training, but also of performance within an increasingly diverse classroom; and this is related to the concept of accompaniment as a central axis in this process in which the continuous training relationship between manager-teacher is carried out; understanding this accompaniment as the collaborative learning and professional development that educators carry out throughout their entire career.

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