
Acne vulgaris is a very common skin disorder found in adolescent age group. It is a cutaneous disorder of the pilo-sebaceous unit involving the abnormalities in the production of sebum. It is characterized by both inflammatory (papules, pustules and nodules) and non-inflammatory (comedones, open and closed) lesions. In Ayurveda, this disease has been postulated by the name of mukhadushika and yuvanpidika. Acharya sushruta in his sushruta samhita has described this disorder under Kṣudra Roga adhyay. Due to imbalance in life style, stress and pollution, this problem is increasing day by day. Guru Aahar, Madyapaan, Anidra, Upvas, Krodha, Santap, Svabhav are some of the factor responsible for the development of Mukhadushika. It is generally due to vitiation of Vata, Kapha and Rakta resulting in Shalmali like eruption on face. In Ayurveda for the treatment of Yuvana pidika (Kshudra-roga) both shaman as well as shodhan chikitsa are described.

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