
The Future of Pediatric Education II (FOPE II) Task Force acknowledges that this report, and the recommendations contained herein, would not be possible without the efforts of many interested and invested parties. First and foremost, the Task Force gratefully recognizes the contributions of the organizations within the pediatric community and their sections, committees, interest groups, task forces, chapters, and individual members. These groups repeatedly responded to requests to provide organizational perspectives on specific issues and drafts of the FOPE II recommendations: Ambulatory Pediatric Association; American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; American Academy of Pediatrics; American Board of Pediatrics; American College of Osteopathic Pediatricians; American Pediatric Society; Association of Medical School Pediatric Department Chairmen; Association of Pediatric Program Directors; Canadian Paediatric Society; Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics; National Association of Children's Hospitals and Related Institutions; Society for Adolescent Medicine; Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics; and Society for Pediatric Research.Many other organizations responded to requests for information, including medical student groups and family and parenting associations, as well as national medical organizations, such as the American Medical Association and the National Medical Association (Pediatric Section). Other respected colleagues attended meetings of one of the Project's 5 topic-specific Workgroups. Although too numerous to list, their materials and perspectives informed the deliberations of the FOPE II Project. However, the Task Force especially expresses their gratitude to those organizations that sent a representative to a Task Force Meeting, including: American Academy of Family Physicians (Norman Kahn, Jr, MD), National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates and Practitioners (Ardy Dunn, PhD, PNP), Oxford Health Plans (Bartley Bryt, MD), and Society for Physician Assistants in Pediatrics (Patrick Killeen, MS, PA-C).The Task Force commends the contributions of many staff members from departments and divisions within the American Board of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Pediatrics. Their efforts to obtain or verify data, information and materials, and provide guidance, suggestions, and administrative support greatly enhanced this report. In particular, the Task Force acknowledges those individuals who worked for the FOPE II Project, especially Mary Ruth Back, FOPE II Health Policy Analyst, for her unflagging dedication to all aspects of the Project. The Task Force also thanks Sarah Brotherton, PhD, and her assistant, Jadranka Karacic, from the AAP Division of Health Policy Research, as well as Holly S. Ruch-Ross, ScD (consultant), for their significant efforts to devise and implement the multifaceted Survey of Sections component of the Project. Donna Bundy is recognized, moreover, for her administrative and budgetary assistance. In addition, the consulting services of Thomas M. Gorey, JD, and Ethan A. B. Ogle-Jewett, MA, were invaluable in the development and completion of this report.Finally, profound thanks go to the overwhelming number of individual pediatricians who responded to surveys, attended and/or testified at FOPE II Open Forums, sent letters and electronic mail messages, phoned Project members, and/or spoke with them at meetings. The contributions of these members of the pediatric community are immeasurable.

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