
OZET : Amac: Renal kolik (RK) acil servislerde (AS) tani ve tedavisi yapilan en sik, en agrili urolojik acil durumdur. Bu calismada bir universite hastanesi AS’sinde RK on tanisi alan hastalarin demografik ve klinik ozellikleri arastirildi. Gerec-Yontem: 11 aylik surede AS’ye kolik tipte yan agrisi ile basvuran, 18-65 yas arasi, idrar yaparken yanma veya idrar renginde degisiklik tarifleyen, son 12 saat icinde agri veya bulanti giderici ilac kullanmamis olan, klinik olarak RK on tanisi alan, calismada yer almayi kabul eden hastalar alindi. Hastalarin yas, cinsiyet, ozgecmis/ soygecmis ozellikleri,sivi tuketimi, AS’ye basvuru anindaki agri, bulanti, kusma durumu ve basvuru zamanlari kaydedildi. AS ve 1ay sonraki Uroloji poliklinik degerlendirmesinde aldiklari tanilara bakildi. Bulgular: 240 hastanin yas ortalamasi 36,76±12,51 idi. Hastalarin %53.3’u erkekti. Gun icinde en cok saat 13:01-14:00 arasinda, en sik mayis ayinda basvuru oldu. Hastalarin %33,1’inin ozgecmisinde, %21,9’unun ailesinde tas hikayesi vardi. Hastalarin %52,5’inde gunluk sivi tuketimi 1-2,5 litreydi. VAS’a gore bulanti duzeyi ortalamasi 20.26±28.69 mm, agri duzeyi ortalamasi 68.90±25.55 mm bulundu. Hastalarin %91,3’unde kusma yoktu. AS’de 221 (%91,3) hasta, Uroloji polikliniginde 41 hasta (poliklinige basvuran hastalarin %69,4’u) urolitiyazis tanisi aldi. Sonuc: AS’ye basvuran RK hastalarinin ozelliklerinin belirlenmesi erken tani ve tedavinin onemli oldugu bu tip hastalarda yararli olacaktir. ANAHTAR KELIMELER: renal kolik, acil, demografik ozellikler SUMMARY: Objective: Renal colic (RC) is the most frequently diagnosed and treated urgent condition, which is described as the worst pain ever experienced, at emergency department (ED). In this study, the demographic and clinical profiles of the patients pre-diagnosed with RC at the ED of a university hospital were examined. Methods: The study includes the patients, who came to the ED with a colicky pain on the side(s) in a period of 11 months. The patients were between ages 18 and 65, described burning with urination or change of color in their urine, did not take any pain or nausea medication within the last 12 hours, are clinically pre-diagnosed as renal colic and singed the informed consent. The age, gender, histories, family histories, and fluid intake of the patients were recorded alongside their condition of pain, nausea, vomiting when they first came to the ED and the time which they presented to the ED. Their diagnoses at the ED and the ones at the Urology outpatient clinic, which was performed 1 month later, were examined. Results: The average age of 240 patients was 36,76±12,51. 53.3% of patients were male. The most frequent presentation of patients at the ED was in May and between 13:01 and 14:00. The most frequent presentation of patients at the ED was the hours between 13:01 and 14:00 during the day and in May during the periot of the study. 33.1% of patients had history of stones and 21.9% had family history of stones. 52.5% of the patients had 1 to 2.5 liters of fluid intake. VAS for average nausea level was 20.26±28.69 mm and average pain level was 68.90±25.55 mm. 91.3% of the patients had no vomiting. 221 patients (91.3%) at the ED and 41 patients (69.4% of patients presented to the outpatient clinic) at the Urology outpatient clinic were diagnosed as urolithiasis. Conclusion: Determining profiles of patients, who came to ED with RC, will be useful in the early diagnoses and treatment of such patients. KEY WORDS: Renal colic, emergency, demographic features

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