
Chronic gastric fistula guinea pigs have survived and functioned well for more than 9 months. The cannula construction, surgical technique, and the method of gastric juice collection are described in detail. Basal hourly volumes generally ranged from 0–5 ml. and rarely approached 10 ml. and the free acid ranged up to 90 mEq./liter. Stimulated hourly volumes ranged up to 16 ml. and the free acid concentration to 127 mEq./liter. Dose-response curves for subcutaneous Histalog showed a leveling off at a range of 5.44–8.16 mg./kg./hour. Continuous maximal stimulation of acid secretion in the unanesthetized unrestrained guinea pig was achieved by cementing an electrolytic microflow pump to the shaved back of the animal.

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