
The reconstruction of Ukraine opens up opportunities for the creation of more progressive and high-quality architecture. 
 So far, among some specialists in our industry, sustainable development (SD) is primarily associated with energy efficiency, environmental friendliness of materials, and innovative technological solutions. 
 In 2019, the UN formulated 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) until 2030, among them, for example, #3. Good health and well-being. #4. Quality education. #12. Responsible consumption and production. 
 The most realistic for direct achievement in the conditions of reconstruction are the SDGs: #11, 12, 4, 6, 7, 9, 3, 13, 16, and 17. 
 During the reconstruction of Ukraine, the following approaches should be implemented to achieve the SDGs: 
 1. Inform the community about the developed solutions for achieving the SDGs. 2. Restore only the minimum number of roads necessary for convenient communication (this is related to CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, etc.). 3. To give preference to modernization and restoration of destroyed buildings over the construction of new ones. 4. Provide optimal (which tends towards comfortable, minimally necessary) solutions for new buildings. The implementation of p. 2-4 will ensure a reduction in the volume of the ecological rucksack of roads and structures.
 It should be taken into account that the places of mass death of people are geopathogenic zones unfavorable for the long-term stay of people. 
 5. When designing projects, avoid using forms, proportions, and aesthetic properties of materials that may cause in population associations related to the events experienced during the war (goal #3). 6. Use materials for reconstruction that can be reused or recycled in the future. 7. Encourage voluntary certification of buildings according to the BREEAM (Great Britain) and LEED (USA) systems. 8. Simultaneously implement measures to ensure SD at the level of cities in general.
 The developed concepts regarding cities' SD are designed for their implementation "from top to bottom". Due to the insufficient awareness of the community, its opportunities for the implementation of SD programs are not sufficiently used. 
 The proposed approaches to achieving the SDGs during the reconstruction of Ukraine will allow for achieving not an instant, but a gradual, long-lasting effect on ensuring the sustainability of the environment.

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