
Excessive interstitial oxygen (O) contamination, usually causing a dramatic loss of ductility, remains a longstanding challenge for titanium (Ti) and its alloys. Here, we propose to solve this critical problem by adding a minor CaC2 oxygen-scavenger via a simple powder metallurgy (PM) pressureless sintering approach. It is found that the surface oxide layer of hydride-dehydride (HDH) Ti powder begins to dissolve into the Ti matrix between 700 °C and 800 °C during the PM sintering process. The incorporation of CaC2 can react with the surface oxide layer (617-676 °C) prior to its active dissolution and form micrometer-sized TiC and nano-sized CaTiO3 particles, significantly refining the α-Ti grains and creating clean and well-bonded interface with Ti matrix. Therefore, the unique oxygen-scavenging effect by CaC2 produces high strength and superior ductility for Ti alloy. Even with an initially high oxygen content (∼4000 ppm), the Ti-0.4 wt.%CaC2 sample still exhibits a high ultimate tensile strength of 621±25 MPa and superior elongation of 29.3±2.6%, respectively. These values correspond to an increase of 17.6% and 301.4% compared to the as-sintered commercially pure titanium (CP-Ti) properties and far exceed the ASTM standard B381 for Grade 4 wrought Ti alloy (550 MPa and 15%) with the same O content. This work offers a novel method to develop high-strength and superior-ductility Ti materials from much more affordable Ti powder.

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