
Software defined networking (SDN) offers opportunities to develop high-level abstractions for implementing network update, but current SDN controller platform lacks effect mechanisms for updating network configuration on the fly. There exist two main challenges for implementing network update: 1) network is a distributed system and 2) network controller can only update one network node at a time. Naively updating individual nodes may lead to incorrect network behaviors. Elegant solution based on two-phase update can guarantee that traffic will be processed consistently during network update, which means each packet can be routed based either on initial network configuration or target network configuration, but never a mixture of the two. Implementing consistent network update is expensive based on previous approach, and we present mechanisms for memory-saving two-phase network update. Our design addresses one major problem: how to delete the initial configuration effectively from network nodes when controller enforces the target configuration. We propose a hierarchical network metadata structure to accelerate the procedure of removing the initial configuration. Finally, we describe the results of some experiments demonstrating the effectiveness of configuration deletion and the effect of memory-saving for the network.


  • Software defined networkingThe Software Defined Networking architecture, based on separation of control and data plane in network elements, enables network programmability

  • The SDN platform enables a centralized view of networks and forthright manner to perform network update for network operators

  • We help to eliminate the hard time for twophase update, and we have proposed a well-defined hierarchical structure to record the relevant metadata of networks, which enables efficient transition between old and new network configurations

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The Software Defined Networking architecture, based on separation of control and data plane in network elements, enables network programmability. To perform a network update, network operators need to do a sequence of intermediate modifications on network nodes Owing such sequence, it generates intermediate states for networks and may exhibit unexpected behaviors that would not arise in the initial and target configurations [2]. When all flows matching a given rule finish, the rule automatically expires and the rules for the target configuration take effect [1] To achieve such mechanism is expensive, it maintains forwarding rules on network nodes for both the initial and target network configurations simultaneously, and twice network memory resources consumption, during the period till the initial configuration has reached its timeout. We believe that, to achieve memorysaving network update, there need compact mechanisms to perform initial configurations deletion when networks have reached its target configurations. J Inform Tech Softw Eng 6: 167. doi:10.4172/21657866.1000167 deletion, which achieves memory-saving network update

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