
The synergistic use of active and passive remote sensing (i.e., data fusion) demonstrates the ability of spaceborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR), synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and multispectral imagery for achieving the accuracy requirements of a global forest biomass mapping mission (±20Mgha−1 or 20%, the greater of the two, for at least 80% of grid cells). A data fusion approach also provides a means to extend 3D information from discrete spaceborne LiDAR measurements of forest structure across scales much larger than that of the LiDAR footprint. For estimating biomass, these measurements mix a number of errors including those associated with LiDAR footprint sampling over regional–global extents. A general framework for mapping above ground live forest biomass density (AGB) with a data fusion approach is presented and verified using data from NASA field campaigns near Howland, ME, USA, to assess AGB and LiDAR sampling errors across a regionally representative landscape. We combined SAR and Landsat-derived optical (passive optical) image data to identify contiguous areas (>0.5ha) that are relatively homogenous in remote sensing metrics (forest patches). We used this image-derived data with simulated spaceborne LiDAR derived from orbit and cloud cover simulations and airborne data from NASA's Laser Vegetation Imaging Sensor (LVIS) to compute AGB and estimate LiDAR sampling error for forest patches and 100m, 250m, 500m, and 1km grid cells. At both the patch and grid scales, we evaluated differences in AGB estimation and sampling error from the combined use of LiDAR with both SAR and passive optical and with either SAR or passive optical alone. First, this data fusion approach demonstrates that incorporating forest patches into the AGB mapping framework can provide sub-grid forest information for coarser grid-level AGB reporting. Second, a data fusion approach for estimating AGB using simulated spaceborne LiDAR with SAR and passive optical image combinations reduced forest AGB sampling errors 12%–38% from those where LiDAR is used with SAR or passive optical alone. In absolute terms, sampling errors were reduced from 14–40Mgha−1 to 11–28Mgha−1 across all grid scales and prediction methods, where minimum sampling errors were 11, 15, 18, and 22Mgha−1 for 1km, 500m, 250m, and 100m grid scales, respectively. Third, spaceborne global scale accuracy requirements were achieved whereby at least 80% of the grid cells at 100m, 250m, 500m, and 1km grid levels met AGB accuracy requirements using a combination of passive optical and SAR along with machine learning methods to predict vegetation structure metrics for forested areas without LiDAR samples. Finally, using either passive optical or SAR, accuracy requirements were met at the 500m and 250m grid level, respectively.

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