
Students’ achievement goal orientation and self-regulated learning strategies are strong indicators and facilitators of proactive learning. The study aimed to explore the relationship among students’ achievement goal orientation, self-regulated learning strategies and academic achievement in Anambra State. Six research questions and six null hypotheses guided the study. The study adopted a correlation approach to provide answers to the research questions. The population of the study comprised of 21,204 SS II students from which a sample of 630 was drawn. Multi-stage procedure was used to select the sample. Two standardized research instruments namely; Achievement Goal Orientation Questionnaire (AGOQ), and Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ), as well as score from students’ promotional examination were used for data collection. Cronbach’s alpha was used to determine the reliability of the items in the instruments. Reliability indices of 0.73, for masteryapproach, 0.71, for mastery-avoidance, 0.82, for performance-approach, 0.76, for performance-avoidance, 0.72 for workavoidance, 0.64 for monitoring, 0.73 for planning, and 0.68 for self-regulating activity respectively. The overall reliability coefficient was 0.71 which shows that the instrument was reliable and good for the study. The Pearson Product Moment Correlation was used to answer research questions 1 to 5 and hypotheses 1-5 while the research question 6 and null hypothesis 6 were answered with multiple correlation. Findings showed that students’ recorded a very low positive and significant relationship between students’ mastery-approach and their academic achievement in English language. Findings also revealed that the multiple correlations of these variables is positive and significant with academic achievement in English language. Finally, it was recommended based on the low relationship recorded between students’ achievement goal orientation and self-regulated learning strategy that students should consider these variables as useful academic facilitators that could enable them achieve their core values in the learning exploration.

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