
Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is the most common single cause of dementia in our ageing society. Traditionally thought of as an untreatable degenerative condition, recent advances in drug therapy have challenged this view. The disease is characterised by an insidious decline in cognitive and non-cognitive function. Classically, short and long-term memory is impaired while language skills, concentration and attention are often affected. This results in impaired ability to learn and retain new skills as well as the loss of existing ones. Non-cognitive function is the global term used to describe problems such as depression, agitation, personality changes, delusions and hallucinations. These factors have a significant impact on patient behaviour and a very real impact on the quality of life for both patients and caregivers. Diagnosis of AD is clinically based, and using the NINCDS-ADRDA criteria (Table 1) [1], a diagnosis of probable or possible AD can be made. Definitive diagnosis relies on pathological confirmation, which in the majority of cases is rarely completed. With the development of AD specific treatments, definition of AD from other types of dementia is very important. Table 1 NINCDS-ADRDA Criteria for clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. Pathogenesis The pathogenesis of AD has not yet been elucidated. It is widely accepted that a combination of genetic susceptibility factors and environmental triggers are responsible for late onset sporadic AD, the most common form of the disease. An understanding of the disease mechanism remains elusive, and is the key to developing a disease modifying agent. Currently, it is proposed that beta amyloid protein, abnormal tau protein or possibly both play key factors in the development of disease. It has been widely postulated that oxidative damage and a slow inflammatory process are two possible mechanisms involved. As yet, no product with proven disease modifying properties is available, and current treatments offer symptomatic benefit only. The development of acetylcholinesterase (AChe) inhibitor drugs has followed the finding that cholinergic pathways in the cerebral cortex and basal forebrain are compromised in AD [2] and the resultant cholinergic deficit contributes to the cognitive impairment of these patients [3]. Although many believe this ‘cholinergic hypothesis’ to be important, others feel it represents a less significant component of the disease process [4]. Many other neurotransmitters are affected in AD, and the relative importance of each in relation to clinical findings has not been fully elucidated. Initial work focused on the use of acetylcholine precursors, using a similar rationale to dopamine therapy in Parkinson’s disease. A series of small trials using precursors such as choline and phosphatidylcholine showed no reliable improvement in cognitive function, with only 10 out of 43 trials reporting any positive effect [5]. There has been renewed interest in muscarinic agonists drugs, which when first introduced, had major problems with adverse cholinergic effects. Better understanding of the molecular pathology of muscarinic receptors and their subtypes has led to the development of more specific agonists. Drugs such as xanomeline, milameline, and civimeline have reached clinical trials, and the improvements seen in cognitive function are reviewed by Avery et al. [6]. There are also claims that these drugs have disease modifying properties, with effects on APP processing and tau phosphorylation. Muscarinic agonists remain in trial, but have yet to fulfil their potential in AD treatment. The only group of drugs currently licensed for AD treatment is the AChe inhibitors, which act through inhibition of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChe), responsible for the breakdown of ACh in the neural synapse. A meta-analysis of the early AChe inhibitor treatments was encouraging [7] and these proceeded to larger placebo controlled double-blind trials.

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