
The ascending brainstem transmitter acetylcholine depolarizes thalamocortical relay neurons while it induces hyperpolarization in local circuit inhibitory interneurons. Sustained K+ currents are modulated in thalamic neurons to control their activity modes; for the interneurons the molecular nature of the underlying ion channels is as yet unknown. Activation of TASK-1 K+ channels results in hyperpolarization of interneurons and suppression of their action potential firing. The modulation cascade involves a non-receptor tyrosine kinase, c-Src. The present study identifies a novel pathway for the activation of TASK-1 channels in CNS neurons that resembles cholinergic signalling and TASK-1 current modulation during hypoxia in smooth muscle cells. The dorsal part of the lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) is the main thalamic site for state-dependent transmission of visual information. Non-retinal inputs from the ascending arousal system and inhibition provided by γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic local circuit interneurons (INs) control neuronal activity within the dLGN. In particular, acetylcholine (ACh) depolarizes thalamocortical relay neurons by inhibiting two-pore domain potassium (K2P ) channels. Conversely, ACh also hyperpolarizes INs via an as-yet-unknown mechanism. By using whole cell patch-clamp recordings in brain slices and appropriate pharmacological tools we here report that stimulation of type 2 muscarinic ACh receptors induces IN hyperpolarization by recruiting the G-protein βγ subunit (Gβγ), class-1A phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase, and cellular and sarcoma (c-Src) tyrosine kinase, leading to activation of two-pore domain weakly inwardly rectifying K+ channel (TWIK)-related acid-sensitive K+ (TASK)-1 channels. The latter was confirmed by the use of TASK-1-deficient mice. Furthermore inhibition of phospholipase Cβ as well as an increase in the intracellular level of phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate facilitated the muscarinic effect. Our results have uncovered a previously unknown role of c-Src tyrosine kinase in regulating IN function in the brain and identified a novel mechanism by which TASK-1 channels are activated in neurons.

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