
The Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space is a fundamental physics mission of the European Space Agency to be launched in August 2021. It relies on a high-performance clock onboard the International Space Station (ISS), a network of high-performance clocks on ground, a dedicated 2-way microwave link (MWL) enabling space-to-ground and ground-to-ground clock comparisons, as well as an optical link (ELT). PHARAO/SHM (Projet d’Horloge Atomique par Refroidissement d’Atomes en Orbite/Space Hydrogen Maser), the clock onboard the ISS, has a relative frequency accuracy at the \({10}^{-16}\) level, a relative frequency stability (Allan deviation) equal to \({10}^{-13}/\sqrt{\tau }\) (\(\tau\) being the integration time in seconds) and a time deviation of 12 picoseconds after one day of integration. The MWL is designed to reach a time deviation below 7 ps after one day of integration. While space-to-ground clock comparisons will enable precise tests of the gravitational redshift, tests of deviations from General Relativity at the \({10}^{-6}\) level, and tests of local Lorentz invariance at the \({10}^{-10}\) level, ground-to-ground clock comparisons will enable a search of the time variation of fundamental constants with uncertainty at the \({10}^{-17}\) level after one year. In this contribution, we review the mission setup with a particular emphasis on the MWL, discuss the simulation and data analysis software developed to investigate mission performance, focusing on its primary scientific objective: the test of the gravitational redshift.

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