
ABSTARCT We propose a new neutronics analysis sequence using multi-group neutron transport calculations named ACE-FRENDY-CBZ. This sequence is free from uses of any application libraries; with the ACE files as the starting point, multi-group cross sections of media comprising a target system are calculated with the FRENDY code, and multi-group neutron transport calculations are performed with modules of the CBZ code system. The ACE-FRENDY-CBZ sequence was tested against the eight fast neutron systems, and good agreement in the neutron multiplication factors with the reference Monte Carlo results was obtained within 20 pcm differences in the bare systems and within 60 pcm differences in the reflected systems. It was also found that the adoption of the consistent P approximation increases the errors. In order to investigate this issue, we adopted the sub-group method to calculate spatially-dependent current-weighted total cross sections in the reflector regions, and it was suggested that the uses of the spatially-dependent cross sections with the consistent P approximation has a possibility to further improve the numerical accuracy.

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