
We sought to determine whether the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) insertion (I)/deletion (D) polymorphism is associated with submaximal exercise cardiovascular hemodynamics. Postmenopausal healthy women (20 sedentary, 20 physically active, 22 endurance athletes) had cardiac output (acetylene rebreathing) measured during 40, 60, and 80% VO(2 max) exercise. The interaction of ACE genotype and habitual physical activity (PA) level was significantly associated with submaximal exercise systolic blood pressure, with only sedentary women exhibiting differences among genotypes. No significant effects of ACE genotype or its interaction with PA levels was observed for submaximal exercise diastolic blood pressure. ACE genotype was significantly associated with submaximal exercise heart rate (HR) with ACE II having approximately 10 beats/min higher HR than ACE ID/DD genotype women. ACE genotype did not interact significantly with habitual PA level to associate with submaximal exercise HR. ACE genotype was not independently, but was interactively with habitual PA levels, associated with differences in submaximal exercise cardiac output and stroke volume. For cardiac output, ACE II genotype women athletes had ~25% greater cardiac output than ACE DD genotype women athletes, whereas for stroke volume genotype-dependent differences were observed in both the physically active and athletic women. ACE genotype was not significantly associated, either independently or interactively with habitual PA levels, with submaximal exercise total peripheral resistance or arteriovenous O(2) difference. Thus the common ACE locus polymorphic variation is associated with many submaximal exercise cardiovascular hemodynamic responses.

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