
This letter presents a novel approach for extracting accurate outlines of individual buildings from very high-resolution (0.1–0.4 m) optical images. Building outlines are defined as polygons here. Our approach operates on a set of straight line segments that are detected by a line detector. It groups a subset of detected line segments and connects them to form a closed polygon. Particularly, a new grouping cost is defined first. Second, a weighted undirected graph $\textit {G(V,E)}$ is constructed based on the endpoints of those extracted line segments. The building outline extraction is then formulated as a problem of searching for a graph cycle with the minimal grouping cost. To solve the graph cycle searching problem, the bidirectional shortest path method is utilized. Our method is validated on a newly created data set that contains 123 images of various building roofs with different shapes, sizes, and intensities. The experimental results with an average intersection-over-union of 90.56% and an average alignment error of 6.56 pixels demonstrate that our approach is robust to different shapes of building roofs and outperforms the state-of-the-art method.

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