
Iglesias Silva, G.A. and Hall, K.R., 1994. Accurate hard-body expressions for use as Z ref . Fluid Phase Equilibria , 98: 49-54. One method for developing an accurate, global equation of state (EOS) for real fluids involves use of a hard-convex body EOS as a reference function, with additional terms to compensate for deviations between real fluid and hard-convex body behavior. If the hard-convex body expression accurately reflects reference behavior, it appears that fewer and simpler compensation terms suffice. This paper describes a hard-convex body EOS which describe hard spheres within 0.1% up to the fusion density. In addition, they possess poles at the random close-packed density. The hard-convex representations are few and simple, and only one constant results from a fit of the “data”. The expressions produce exact virial coefficients through the fourth virial coefficient.

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