
Positrons can be trapped in localized states at the surface of a material, and thus quite selectively interact with core or valence surface electrons. Hence, advanced surface positron spectroscopy techniques can present the ideal tools to study a topological insulator, where surface states play a fundamental role. We analyze the problem of a positron at a TI surface, assuming that it is a weakly physisorbed positronium (Ps) atom. To determine if the surface of interest in a material can sustain such a physisorption, an accurate description of the underlying van der Waals (vdW) interaction is essential. We have developed a first-principles parameter-free method, based on the density functional theory, to extract key parameters determining the vdW interaction potential between a Ps atom and the surface of a given material. The method has been successfully applied to quartz and preliminary results on Bi2Te2Se indicate the existence of a positron surface state. We discuss the robustness of our predictions versus the most relevant approximations involved in our approach.

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