
The strength of salt bridges resulting from the interaction of cations and anions is modulated by their environment. However, polarization of the solvent molecules by the charged moieties makes the accurate description of cation-anion interactions in an aqueous solution by means of a pairwise additive potential energy function and classical combination rules particularly challenging. In this contribution, aiming at improving the representation of solvent-exposed salt-bridge interactions with an all-atom non-polarizable force field, we put forth here a parametrization strategy. First, the interaction of a cation and an anion is characterized by hybrid quantum mechanical/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) potential of mean force (PMF) calculations, whereby constantly exchanging solvent molecules around the ions are treated at the quantum mechanical level. The Lennard-Jones (LJ) parameters describing the salt-bridge ion pairs are then optimized to match the reference QM/MM PMFs through the so-called nonbonded FIX, or NBFIX, feature of the CHARMM force field. We apply the new set of parameters, coined CHARMM36m-SBFIX, to the calculation of association constants for the ammonium-acetate and guanidinium-acetate complexes, the osmotic pressures for glycine zwitterions, guanidinium, and acetate ions, and to the simulation of both folded and intrinsically disordered proteins. Our findings indicate that CHARMM36m-SBFIX improves the description of solvent-exposed salt-bridge interactions, both structurally and thermodynamically. However, application of this force field to the standard binding free-energy calculation of a protein-ligand complex featuring solvent-excluded salt-bridge interactions leads to a poor reproduction of the experimental value, suggesting that the parameters optimized in an aqueous solution cannot be readily transferred to describe solvent-excluded salt-bridge interactions. Put together, owing to their sensitivity to the environment, modeling salt-bridge interactions by means of a single, universal set of LJ parameters remains a daunting theoretical challenge.

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