
With rapid progress in control and manipulation of ultracold magnetic atoms and dipolar molecules, the quantum simulation of lattice models with strongly interacting dipole-dipole interactions (DDI) and high densities is now within experimental reach. This rapid development raises the issue about the validity of quantum simulation in such regimes. In this study, we address this question by performing a full quantitative comparison between the continuum description of a one-dimensional gas of dipolar bosons in an optical lattice, and the single-band Bose-Hubbard lattice model that it quantum simulates. By comparing energies and density distributions, and by calculating direct overlaps between the continuum and lattice many-body wavefunctions, we demonstrate that in regimes of strong DDI and high densities the continuum system fails to recreate the desired lattice model. Two-band Hubbard models become necessary to reduce the discrepancy observed between continuum and lattice descriptions, but appreciable deviations in the density profile still remain. Our study elucidates the role of strong DDI in generating physics beyond lowest-band descriptions and should offer a guideline for the calibration of near-term dipolar quantum simulators.

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