
A new methodology, Model Based Definition (MBD), is gaining popularity. MBD is all about adding the necessary manufacturing information directly onto the 3D model by means of 3D annotations, so-called PMI (Product and Manufacturing Information) data.Two kinds of PMI exist, presentation and representation. PMI representation provides the data in a format that is readable by machines. This allows reuse of the CAD data by other stakeholders. Reuse means it is possible to interrogate the model. One stakeholder that benefits from this is quality control. Others, like manufacturing people who need to change the geometry to adhere to the tolerances specified by the PMI data, are left out in the cold.This paper researches the accuracy that can be achieved by exchanging geometry between different systems by using STEP AP242 and is a preliminary research for a new project to automatically adjust the STEP file driven by PMI data.

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