
The accuracy of cross-channel integrated sediment transport of bed material is determined with an elaborate set of field measurements in the Waal River, The Netherlands. The measurements were done during a discharge wave in the upstream part of the river, which has a bimodal sand-gravel bed. The sampling strategy should take both spatial and temporal aspects into account to obtain maximum accuracy. Presence of moving bedforms, differences in bed-sediment grain size in the cross section, and presence of preferential transport lanes dictate that at least five subsections for sampling in the cross section are necessary. The accuracy of cross-channel integrated bedload transport depends mainly on the measurement strategy. An uncertainty of <20% (bedload) and 7% (suspended load) of cross-channel integrated sediment transport is shown to be feasible if 30 samples of bedload and two vertical profiles of suspended bed-material load are taken in one subsection, provided that the cross section of the river is divid...

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