
Accumulation of Pb and Ag by the estuarine ciliate Fabrea salina was measured using the y-emitting radioisotopes 'lOPb and "OrnAgg. Volume/volume concentration factors for ""Ag in the ciliate ranged from 7 to 40 x lo3; concentration factors of linmAg in E salina from the dissolved phase and from radiolabeled algal food were comparable. The concentration factor of P b obtained from the dissolved phase was 2 x 10'; there was no detectable assimilation of ' l O ~ b from algal food. Because estuarine mcrozooplankton can concentrate some particle-reactive trace metals out of ambient water, they can serve as a source of these metals for animals which consume them For comparison, uptake of these radioisotopes from the water by various size fractions of natural particles in Hudson River (New York, USA) water was determined. Half of the added ""Ag and <36 % of the added "'Pb remained in the dissolved (1.e. <50 kDa) phase, with the remainder partitioned among different fractions of the suspended particulate matter, including the fraction containing the microzooplankton. Naturally occurring Ag and Pb concentrations in Hudson River suspended particulate matter showed a fractionation pattern similar to that of the radioisotopes. Comparison of Ag/Al and Pb/Al ratios in particles from the lower Hudson indicated an enrichment factor of 1 to 2 orders of magnitude for these metals over particles from other estuaries.

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