
Purpose. To determine the effect of the composition of agrophytocenoses and fertilizers on the level of accumulation of the root mass of cereal grasses and its effect on the balance of nutrition elements of sod-podzolic soil.Methods. Observation, comparison, analysis and synthesis, field experience.Results. The results of studying the influence of growing agrophytocenoses on the accumulation of root mass and the nutritional regime of sod-podzolic surface-gleyed soils during the cultivation of single-species crops of cereal grasses are presented. Most of all, nitrogen fertilizers influenced the accumulation of the root mass of all types of grasses. Under the action of mineral nitrogen in the norm N90 against the background of the introduction of P60K60, nitrogen accumulation increased from 52–56 to 95–106 kg/ha. Phosphorus in the roots of the studied species of perennial cereals accumulated in the range from 10 to 18 kg/ha, and potassium in the range of 48–70 kg/ha.Conclusions. Studies show that root mass growth has increased over the years with the use of cereal grass. The maximum amount of root residues in the soil on average for the first three years of use of the grass stand remained on the option with a boneless rump with a fertilizer rate of N90P60K60 – 7.70 t/ha. The smallest amount of root residues accumulated after three years of using the hedgehog of the team without fertilizers – 5.10 t/ha. Above the ratio of aboveground to underground mass (1: 0.84) was observed on the hedgehog variant of the team with a fertilizer rate of N90P60K60.

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