
Concentrations of butyltin (BT) and phenyltin (PT) compounds were measured in organs and tissues of five species of whales (Bride's whale [Balaenoptera edeni], false killer whale [Pseudorca crassidens], pygmy sperm whale [Kogia breviceps], short-finned pilot whale [Globicephala macrorhynchus], and sperm whale [Physeter macrocephalus]) found stranded on the coasts of Thailand. The mean concentrations of BTs in various whales were in the range of 0.157 to 1.03 mg kg(-1 )wet weight, which were higher levels than the reported concentrations in whales from other countries. PT concentrations were also detected in the range of 0.022 to 1.14 mg kg(-1) wet weight. The concentrations of BTs and PTs in whales were higher than those in mussels from the coastal area of Thailand. Concentrations of tributyltin (TBT) and triphenyltin (TPT) compounds in whale organs and tissues were also compared, and it was found that TBT concentrations were generally higher in liver and lower in lung. TPT concentrations were higher in liver and blubber and lower in lung. Ratios of TBT degradation products in whale liver, namely monobutyltin (MBT) and dibutyltin (DBT), were higher than the ratios of TBT. TPTs in liver were found to be dominant among PTs. The patterns of BTs and PTs in false killer whale liver were different from those in the other whales by cluster analysis. Their concentrations in false killer whales were the highest among all whales in this study. False killer whales feed on squid and large pelagic fish containing higher concentrations of organotin (OT) compounds, so the differences in patterns and concentrations of OTs in liver between false killer whales and the other whales may be caused by difference in diet.

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