
It has been shown that mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) deletion mutations accumulate with age in many tissues of the body. However, to date no one has shown that these deletions occur in the malignant prostate. Therefore, we hypothesize that such deletions do occur in the prostate and increasingly so with advanced age. To test this hypothesis, DNA was isolated from 34 radical prostatectomy specimens, and the entire mitochondrial genome (16.5 kb) was amplified using long range PCR (LXPCR). The LXPCR products were visualized by gel electrophoresis, and the presence of low molecular weight (<16 kb) bands was considered evidence of large mtDNA deletions. In order to show that these lower molecular weight LXPCR bands were not simply PCR artifact, we also digested mtDNA from a subset of the same patients and did Southern analysis with a mtDNA probe. Southern blots confirmed the existence of large deletions in every sample tested. Furthermore, several of the specific deletions identified by LXPCR were also seen in the Southern blots. From the LXPCR data, we found that as the age of the specimen increased, so did the average number of low molecular weight bands (i.e. deletions). In particular, one prominent band was seen at 1.2 kb and became more consistent with advanced age.

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