
Abstract Nutrient need in each development stage of plant is showed by nutrient accumulation curve; this is an important tool for fertilization recommendation. However, researches on vegetables with the objective to estimate these curves are scarce, mainly in the modern hybrids that show higher productivity potential and, probably, higher nutrient demand. In this study, the authors aimed to determine macronutrient accumulation of beetroot plants, hybrid Boro. The experiment was carried out in São Manuel, São Paulo State, Brazil. Five treatments {seasons of plant collection: 0, 14, 28, 43 and 60 days after transplanting (DAT)}, considering that in each season 16 plants were collected (four replications of four plants each, in a randomized block design). We evaluated dry matter accumulation, and nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and sulphur (S) in plant shoot and root. The period of the highest demand for most of macronutrients was from 29 to 43 DAT. The decreasing order of macronutrients exported by the roots of the beetroot was K>N>P>Mg>S>Ca (376, 232, 45, 29, 21 and 13 mg/plant, respectively), and accumulated by the whole plant (shoot + root) was K>N>Mg>Ca>P>S (709, 404, 126, 113, 69 and 50 mg/plant, respectively).


  • A necessidade de nutrientes em cada etapa de desenvolvimento da planta é mostrada pela curva de acúmulo de nutrientes, sendo importante ferramenta para a recomendação de adubação

  • Grangeiro et al (2007), working with cultivar Early Wonder, verified on a population of 333,000 plants/ ha and productivity of 30 t/ha, that phosphorus and potassium accumulated preferentially in the roots, whereas nitrogen, calcium and magnesium in the aboveground area, considering that the decreasing order of the nutrients accumulated by the plant was: N>K>Mg>Ca>P

  • In the evaluation carried out at 43 dias após o transplante (DAT), the root dry matter almost equaled that of the aboveground part dry matter, surpassing it right after this evaluation

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A necessidade de nutrientes em cada etapa de desenvolvimento da planta é mostrada pela curva de acúmulo de nutrientes, sendo importante ferramenta para a recomendação de adubação. The amount of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S accumulated in the aboveground part, root and whole plant (Figure 2, Table 1) throughout the beetroot cycle showed a similar trend concerning dry matter accumulation and it was adjusted to the sigmoidal equation.

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