
C-terminal cleaved tau at D421 (∆D421-tau) accumulates in the brains of Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients. However, it is unclear how tau truncation, an understudied tau post-translational modification, contributes to AD pathology and progression. Utilizing an adeno-associated virus (AAV) gene delivery-based approach, we overexpressed full-length tau (FL-tau) and ∆D421-tau in 4- and 12-month-old mice for 4months to study the neuropathological impact of accumulation in young adult (8-month) and middle-aged (16-month) mice. Overall, we show that independent of the tau species, age was an important factor facilitating tau phosphorylation, oligomer formation, and deposition into silver-positive tangles. However, mice overexpressing ∆D421-tau exhibited a distinct phosphorylation profile to those overexpressing FL-tau and increased tau oligomerization in the middle-age group. Importantly, overexpression of ∆D421-tau, but not FL-tau in middle-aged mice, resulted in pronounced cognitive impairments and hippocampal long-term potentiation deficits. While both FL-tau and ∆D421-tau induced neuronal loss in mice with age, ∆D421-tau led to significant neuronal loss in the CA3 area of the hippocampus and medial entorhinal cortex compared to FL-tau. Based on our data, we conclude that age increases the susceptibility to neuronal degeneration associated with ΔD421-tau accumulation. Our findings suggest that ΔD421-tau accumulation contributes to synaptic plasticity and cognitive deficits, thus representing a potential target for tau-associated pathologies.

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