
In the last decades, we have witnessed the rapid growth of Quantum Computing. In the current Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) era, the capability of a quantum machine is limited by the decoherence time, gate fidelity and the number of Qubits. Current quantum computing applications are far from the real “quantum supremacy” due to the fragile physical Qubits, which can only be entangled for a few microseconds. Recent works use quantum optimal control to reduce the latency of quantum circuits, thereby effectively increasing quantum volume. However, the key challenge of this technique is the large overhead due to long compilation time. In this paper, we propose AccQOC, a comprehensive static/dynamic hybrid workflow to transform gate groups (equivalent to matrices) to pulses using QOC (Quantum Optimal Control) with a reasonable compilation time budget. AccQOC is composed of static pre-compilation and accelerated dynamic compilation. After the quantum program is mapped to the quantum circuit with our heuristic mapping algorithm considering crosstalk, we leverage static pre-compilation to generate pulses for the frequently used groups to eliminate the dynamic compilation time for them. The pulse is generated using QOC with binary search to determine the latency. For a new program, we use the same policy to generate groups, thus avoid incurring overhead for the “covered” groups. The dynamic compilation deals with “un-covered” groups with accelerated pulse generation. The key insight is that the pulse of a group can be generated faster based on the generated pulse of a similar group. We propose to reduce the compilation time by generating an ordered sequence of groups in which the sum of similarity among consecutive groups in the sequence is minimized. We can find the sequence by constructing a similarity graph – a complete graph in which each vertex is a gate group and the weight of an edge is the similarity between the two groups it connects, then construct a Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) for SG. With the methodology of AccQOC, we reached a balanced point of compilation time and overall latency. The results show that accelerated compilation based on MST achieves $9.88\times$ compilation speedup compared to the standard compilation of each group while maintaining an average $2.43\times$ latency reduction compared with gate-based compilation.

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