
In the article, a study of the regulatory and legal support of the activities of charitable organizations and support by business entities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is carried out. Problematic aspects of accounting and taxation of charitable assistance provided by business entities for the needs of the army are presented and the relevance of solving this methodological issue is substantiated. In particular, it is determined that different terms are used in legislation and scientific literature to describe charity. Forms and types of charitable activity in Ukraine were studied. Attempts have been made to distinguish between these concepts. The forms of charity (volunteer, humanitarian, philanthropic) are characterized and the types (charitable donation, charitable grants, public collection of charitable donations, charitable servitudes and charitable endowments) and methods of their giving are substantiated. The characteristic features of charitable assistance are determined: voluntary, selfless, purposeful. The need to regulate certain provisions and define terms in the field of charitable activities was confirmed, and amendments to the current legislation were proposed. The rating of charity in Ukraine was studied and the distribution of costs by spheres of its provision was presented. It was found that according to Ukrainian legislation, charitable assistance to the army is provided in the form of charitable donations and can be provided both in cash and in kind, in particular from charitable organizations, legal entities and individuals, and territorial communities. It has been proven that properly organized accounting of charitable donations will ensure the control of the intended use of the donated property and reduce abuses in this area, as well as affect the possibility of applying tax benefits in the terms of payment of value added tax, excise duty and income tax. The procedure for documenting charitable donations for the benefit of the army and the need to form an Act of acceptance and transfer of humanitarian (charitable) aid are substantiated. The changes made to the Tax Code of Ukraine regarding the taxation of charitable aid given to the army were considered. Taking into account the specifics of the research, a method of accounting for charitable assistance for various options for its provision (voluntary transfer or alienation of property) is proposed.

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