
The scientific research examines the productions included in the new Accounting Law adopted in 2015 and their impact on reporting in the Republic of Bulgaria. To this end, the requirements for current accounting and accounting systems in enterprises, for accounting documents and accounting information, for inventory of assets and liabilities have been studied; to the storage of accounting information; to the application of the financial reporting base; to the content and preparation of the financial statements, the activity reports and the payment reports to the governments of the enterprises and groups of enterprises; to conducting the independent financial audit and the publicity of the financial statements, the activity reports and the payment reports to the governments of the enterprises and groups of enterprises, as well as to the heads of the different types of enterprises. In addition, the scope of the entities applying the requirements of the Accounting Act and the principles according to which they evaluate and recognize the positions presented in the financial statements have been analyzed. The positive aspects of the new Accountancy Act and its weaknesses are also outlined. On this basis, concrete solutions to the identified problems were proposed, signaling to the legislator the need for adequate timely legislative changes in the following more significant directions:First. To eliminate the identified gaps and to resolve the discussion issues in the texts of the Accounting Act in force, as well as in the whole accounting legislation in order to achieve a high degree of synchronization with the requirements of the applicable accounting standards and the European Union, as well as high quality accounting information created for management and external data users.Second. To regulate through appropriate legal texts the activity and its accounting treatment in micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, which are the majority of the enterprises in the Republic of Bulgaria.Third. To carry out in-depth research in the field of accounting practices and standardization of accounting in other countries of the European Union and beyond, in order to select and apply in Bulgaria the best practices and experiences.Without claiming comprehensiveness and comprehensiveness, the present scientific work aims to draw attention to the outstanding issues in the current Accounting Act with a view to their faster effective resolution.

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