
AbstractWhen statistically post-processing temperature forecasts, it is almost always assumed that the future temperature follows a Gaussian distribution conditional on the output of an ensemble prediction system. Recent studies, however, have demonstrated that it can at times be beneficial to employ alternative parametric families when post-processing temperature forecasts, that are either asymmetric or heavier-tailed than the normal distribution. In this article, we compare choices of the parametric distribution used within the Ensemble Model Output Statistics (EMOS) framework to statistically post-process 2m temperature forecast fields generated by the Met Office’s regional, convection-permitting ensemble prediction system, MOGREPS-UK. Specifically, we study the normal, logistic and skew-logistic distributions. A flexible alternative is also introduced that first applies a Yeo-Johnson transformation to the temperature forecasts prior to post-processing, so that they more readily conform to the assumptions made by established post-processing methods. It is found that accounting for the skewness of temperature when post-processing can enhance the performance of the resulting forecast field, particularly during summer and winter and in mountainous regions.

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