
The effect of the spatial distribution of crystallographic orientations on roping amplitude and wavelength in ferritic stainless steel has been evaluated. The through-thickness mechanical behaviour of a sheet deformed in tension has been tested experimentally and simulated using a full-field viscoplastic fast Fourier transform formulation. These crystal plasticity simulations use orientation imaging microscopy data as input, allowing for large-scale simulation domains to be investigated while accounting for the clustering of orientations with similar deformation behaviour. The simulations predict both the local deformation response as well as the macroscopic surface roughness. The latter is compared quantitatively with experimental measurements and is shown to predict both the wavelength and amplitude of the observed roping. The results of these simulations have also been compared with previously proposed mean-field crystal plasticity simulations of roping, performed using the viscoplastic self-consistent code, in which each crystal orientation is, at most, influenced by the behaviour of a homogenized matrix, but not by its local neighbourhood. Comparison between these two kinds of approaches thus allows us to assess the significance of the local neighbourhood on the macroscopic prediction of roping.

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