
Short summary: Are you curious about how accountability in integrated care is developed and applied? How to organize accountability that suit these integrate care services is still work in progress and far from an end conclusion. Would you like to join this progress? Then come to our workshop.
 Why a workshop? There is still a way to go of developing accountability in integrated care. The international importance of the topic of accountability in integrated care is highlighted by the developments towards integrating healthcare services in several countries. According to International Foundation for Integrated Care (IFIC) Integrated care can be seen from nine pillars. One of the pillars is System wide governance and leadership and connects to the themes of the 2023 conference of Integrated Care.
 Who is it for? Researchers, Policymakers, Decision-makers and professionals working in the field of integrated care, but also citizens with this interest.
 What are we going to do? Workshop, 60 minutes, with group work and pitches:
 a.Introduction and short presentation: Presenting the state of play of accountability in integrated care. Who is involved and what are developments in a variety of countries. (10 minutes).
 b.Small groupwork: reflect on the findings and explore how the current state of accountability is in your country (15 minutes)
 c.Collective reflection: What is the current state of art of accountability in different countries (10 minutes)
 d.Small groupwork: reflect on the findings in reflection phase c. and what are ideas of accountability in integrated care according to the participants (15 minutes)
 e.Collective reflection: What are ideas and possibilities of accountability in integrated care (8 minutes)
 f.Closing (2 minutes)
 How are we going to engage with the audience? Several rounds of interaction is facilitated leading to 45 minutes audience interaction time. In small groups and in the whole group. We challenge everyone to share their own experiences and ideas. Participants write their findings on flip-overs.
 How are you going to summarize the take home messages? We will write the take-home messages on flip-overs during the collective reflection. We will share the findings with all participants via the (social) media.

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