
Safety analysis of a lead or lead—bismuth cooled small safe long-life fast reactor was performed. It is proposed that the reactor be used in relatively isolated areas, and operated to the end of its life without refueling or fuel shuffling. In the present paper the reactor power and lifetime are set at 150 MWt and 12 years respectively. In order to assume its safety performance, the following accidents without scram were simulated with neutronic-thermal-hydraulic analysis: unprotected loss of flow (ULOF), unprotected rod run-out transient over power (UTOP), simultaneous ULOF and UTOP accidents, and simultaneous ULOF, UTOP and unprotected loss of heat sink (ULOHS) accidents. For each type of accident, four types of long-life small reactor (lead cooled metallic fueled, lead cooled nitride fueled, lead-bismuth cooled metallic fueled, and lead—bismuth cooled nitride fueled) were analyzed. It is shown that all the proposed designs can survive these accidents without requiring help from the operator or active devices.

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