
In this era of rapid growth of vehicles, the ratio of road accident increases day by day. Nowadays, Traffic incidents are persistent problems in both developed and developing countries which result in huge loss of life and property. No one in this world is ready to gaze what’s happening around them. Nobody cares even when an accident occurs. This paper provides an innovative solution by developing an Accident Alert Message System using an Android Smartphone Application that can be used from the accident zone. The application uses GPS technology for location mapping and sends an alert and notification of an accident. The generated accident alert message is endorsed by the nearby registered users who also witness the accident to ensure the increased reputation of the message. Based on the endorsement of the message, the system will instantly transmit the location of the accident to the nearby emergency services. In this case, users usually lack the enthusiasm to generate or endorse alert messages because they might fear that their privacy will be breached. At the same time, users do not benefit from generating or endorsing alert messages which also makes them lack the enthusiasm or motivation to respond to messages. In order to provide a solution to resolve these issues, this paper presents a novel privacy-preserving Blockchain – Based Incentive Mechanism for Accident Alert Message System. The main objective of the paper is to encourage the users to generate and endorse accident alert messages from the accident zone without revealing the user’s identity. Also, some incentives to the users are paid to the message generators and endorsers and the transactions get stored based on the Blockchain technology; hence the privacy of the user is preserved. Our proposed system ensures the reliability of alert messages without revealing the privacy of the user and is reliable and efficient in the non-fully-trusted environment.

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