
Since numerous surgical procedures in oral and maxillofacial surgery as well as several aspects of dental practice involve the mental region, the knowledge of its anatomical variations is essential for the clinician. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the incidence and the anatomical features of the accessory mental foramen, which is occasionally traced additionally to the main mental foramen. Ninety-six dry human mandibles of a Greek population and of unknown sex and age were examined in order to notice the presence of possible accessory mental foramina. The frequency of the accessory mental foramen was calculated, and its dimensions and its topographical relationship to the teeth of the mandible and the mental foramen were determined as well. A single accessory mental foramen was identified in 4.17% of the sample, while its mean transverse diameter was measured to be 1.09 mm and its mean distance from the mental foramen was 5.24 mm. The present study revealed an appreciable incidence of the accessory mental foramen in the Greek population, recognizably higher than the discovered incidence of past studies involving the Greek population. Consequently, the clinician should always be prepared to deal with an accessory mental foramen during surgical procedures.

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