
The electronic systems we find in almost every product today are implemented using integrated circuits (ICs) mounted on printed circuit boards (PCBs). Developing electronic systems is a challenging task due to complexity and miniaturization. A single IC can contain billions of transistors, which are smaller than ever. As a result more Design-for-Test (DfT) features, so called instruments, are embedded on-chip in modern ICs to handle and monitor various activities. Many defects are handled at IC manufacturing; however, there are many problems occurring after ICs are being mounted on PCBs. In many cases, it is unfortunately not possible to reproduce the problem when the electronic system is taken to a repair shop. These problems are known as No Trouble Found (NTF). One obstacle is the limited access to the on-chip DfT instruments that exist in most ICs. We will discuss access to on-chip DfT instruments through the life-time of electronic systems. We will focus on electronic systems using the IEEE 1687 standard.

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