
The 4m International Liquid Mirror Telescope (ILMT) continuously scans a 22′ wide strip of the zenithal sky and records the images in three broadband filters (g’, r’ and i’) using a 4K×4K CCD camera. In about 10–12 hours of observations during a single night, ∼15 GB of data volume is generated. The raw images resulting from the observations in October–November 2022 have been pre-processed and astrometrically calibrated. In order to exploit the scientific capabilities of the ILMT survey data by the larger scientific community, we are disseminating the raw data (along with dark and flat fields) and the astrometrically calibrated data. These data sets can be downloaded by the users to conduct the scientific projects of their interest. In future, the data will be processed in near real-time and will be available via the ARIES data archive portal.

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