
In Indonesia, health service are still a problem both in terms of financing, quality, and public access. The purpose of this study to analyze the availability of public health services in the Dayak tribes. Informants in this study are indigenous Dayaks Society, the Society who were and had experienced/illness, Dayak Customary Chief, Head of health center and health workers. Analysis of the data in this study using thematic analysis. The primary data obtained from direct observation and in-depth interviews and focus group Discuccion (FGD), while the secondary data obtained from the study documents. Based on this research, accessibility of public health services in the Dayak based on an interview to the informant still have limited Human Resources (HR), infrastructure, medical equipment and pharmaceuticals (drugs). Advice to the city administration should have to provide health care facilities that can be accessed 24 hours as “Homecare Health Center” mainly Dayak and other communities who live on the outskirts of the city of Samarinda. There needs to increase the number of health workers, especially doctors and surveillance personnel.

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