
Cancer treatment can lead to infertility, which is a significant source of financial and emotional distress for cancer patients and survivors. Given that future fertility and sexual function are critical quality of life issues, we hypothesise that access to subspecialist care is not uniformly distributed. Therefore, we sought to identify access gaps in male sexual health and infertility care at NCI cancer centres across US Census Regions. All 64 clinical NCI cancer centre websites were examined for language related to male sexual health and fertility. A phone-based survey was used to establish cancer centre referral patterns to andrologists and sperm banks. We utilised the Society for the Study of Male Reproduction member directory to determine geographic locations for andrologists relative to each centre. We found that the presence of information regarding male sexual health information was not associated with region. The presence of andrologists within 5-miles of a CC was significantly higher in the Northeast compared to all other census regions. Our work describes the access gap in fertility services at NCI cancer centres and how this differs by region of the country. These data can inform patients, and encourage centres to provide improved access to oncofertility care.

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