
AbstractChanges in urban design and traffic policy, demography, climate and associated adaptation, mitigation measures and environmental policies are likely to modify both outdoor and indoor air quality and therefore public health. The project aims to improve our understanding of future exposure situations and their impact on health, from an interdisciplinary approach. This will be achieved by using various state-of-the-art atmospheric models, measurements, epidemiological studies and reviews. To assess population full exposure, an integrated view accounting both for indoor and outdoor air pollution as well as for population time activity data will be developed. New dose-response functions will be estimated between health outcome, air pollution and temperature in order to better estimate the effects on the foetus and young children. Ultimately, scenarios of future urban climate and air quality will be simulated, combining future exposure scenarios, population scenarios and exposure-response functions to describe the effects of different trends and relevant policies on relative risk and burden of illness attributed to urban pollutants and their interactions with extreme temperatures. Also the mitigation strategies that can be used to reduce urbanization and climate change effects on the local urban meteorology and air quality will be assessed. With applications in several large European cities, the project will study the impact of several alternative adaptation scenarios on urban air quality and human health to a mid-century horizon (2030–2060) accounting for the effects of a changing urban climate. Scenario-based health impact assessments will combine exposure information from climate models, emission scenarios, policy evaluation studies and concentration calculations with exposure-response functions from epidemiological studies of vulnerable groups within the project and previously published functions for mortality and hospital admissions. The effects of socioeconomic and demographic trends will be discussed, the predicted health impacts and benefits associated with different interventions and policies and other urban changes will be described.KeywordsGreen RoofHealth Impact AssessmentVehicle FleetUrban ScaleGeographic Position SystemThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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