
I am moved by your generous and kind words and must at once express my deep appreciation of the great honor the Society has done me in awarding me the Walter Reed Medal of 1956. I am filled with humility when I think of the former recipients: Mrs. Walter Reed, the Rockefeller Foundation, William Bosworth Castle, Herbert Charles Clark, Carlos J. Finlay, Gustavo Capanema, James S. Simmons, Paul F. Russell, N. Swellengrebel, Rolla E. Dyer and Lewis W. Hackett—names too well known throughout the world in the field of tropical medicine and public health to need comment here.Tropical medicine is now in a phenomenally precocious infancy. Its future is charged with excitement and challenge, and on its shoulders rest many of the responsibilities for the development of the major geographic areas of the earth. It is faced with some of the most prevalent infectious diseases that afflict man and his animals.

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