
In passive target tracking, target motion parameters (TMP) i.e. range, course, and speed are estimated using bearing measurements. In the simulation mode, the accuracy of the estimated solution can be calculated, as true values are available. In the actual scenario, the true values of TMP are not readily obtainable. In this research, the focus is laid on the evolution of the acceptance criterion of the TMP in the actual scenario. Detailed mathematical modeling is carried out and an unscented Kalman filter (UKF) is used to estimate TMP. The state vector covariance matrix of UKF is utilized to express the errors in estimated TMP and an acceptance criterion is derived in terms of the standard deviation of errors in estimated TMP. Submarine to submarine tracking is carried out and scenarios are chosen accordingly. Several low angle on target bow (ATB) scenarios are used in the Monte-Carlo simulation and the results are presented. A similar procedure can be carried out for medium and high ATB scenarios and a submarine to ship or vice-versa passive target tracking.

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