
Acceptability is an important factor in the success of additional feeding programs in the form of cookies in malnourished toddlers. The purpose of this study was to find out the acceptability of cookies that are substituted with mocaf flour, and varied with red bean flour, and herbal chicken gizzard. This experimental study was conducted using a completely randomized design using 3 factors and 3 treatments (C1, C2 and C3), namely each treatment used the same amount of mocaf flour, namely 120 g, red bean flour each 110 g, 100 g, 90 g and herbal chicken gizzard 20 g, 30 g and 40 g. Acceptance test was conducted on 30 toddlers aged 2-5 years in the Medan Tuntungan Health Center Work Area. The data were analyzed using the Krusskal-Wallis test and continued with the Mann-Whitney test. Based on the results of data analysis, it shows that organoleptic assessment based on flavour, color, taste, texture and form of treatment C1 is classified as favorable, while treatment C2 and C3 is classified as less favorable. The results of the Krusskal Wallis test proved that there were differences between the three cookie treatments (p< 0.05), and the Mann-Whitney test results showed that the C1-treated cookies were significantly different from the C2 and C3 treatments (p<0.05). In conclusion, cookies with mocaf flour substitution (120g) which were varied with more red bean flour (110g) and less gizzard (20g) had the best acceptability, so that it can be used as an additional food for the improvement of nutrition of toddlers with less nutrition.

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