
Consumer acceptance is of great interest in the adoption of novel multimedia products and services. A number of factors can greatly influence the customer experience during a video session, impacting the acceptability of the product or service. Factors such as the Technical Quality (TQ) which covers the technical aspects of the signal quality can be controlled from the network provider. On the other hand, the network provider has no control on the subject's level of interest in a video, the Content Quality (CQ). Together TQ and CQ influence the Overall eXperience (OX) of the subject and, in the case of Over The Top (OTT) video, in a video session. In this paper, we present results from a user subjective study in which the impact of TQ and OX on the acceptability was investigated for OTT video sessions. To minimize the CQ impact on OX, the videos were carefully selected to have relatively neutral content. We assess the impact of TQ and OX on acceptability for videos containing impairment and failure events during lifecycle, thus affecting Accessibility, Retainability and Integrity. Our experimental results indicate that TQ and OX have a strong impact on acceptability.

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