
The Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer (ChatGPT), a chatbot with artificial intelligence, made its debut in the United States in 2022. The platform created by incorporating human feedback has garnered millions of interactions. ChatGPT can generate a response autonomously, drawing from a vast pool of online sources and frequently without requiring additional input from the user. It has been reported that individuals have utilised ChatGPT to generate academic essays and scholarly publications. AI tools utilising extensive language models, such as ChatGPT, heavily rely on pre-existing textual data available on the internet. Consequently, ensuring their results’ authenticity, credibility, and precision poses a challenging and uncertain task. This study aims to examine the viewpoints of scholars holding various academic titles and affiliated with universities located in diverse regions of Turkey regarding the utilisation of ChatGPT in scholarly publications. A total of 121 academicians participated in the study, and data were gathered in both quantitative and qualitative formats. The findings have indicated that while scholars did not perceive any issue with incorporating ChatGPT into their manuscript drafting procedures, they remained hesitant to embrace this technology by establishing an academic persona and collaborating on scholarly works.

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